In recognition of Priyanka Chopra's talent, popularity and her humanitarianism, Rajnigandha Silver Pearls has named the actress their brand ambassador. The brand has chosen to create a new ad film that moves beyond her stardom and captures the other aspect of her personality, and launches Rajnigandha Silver Pearls — saffron-blended, silver-coated cardamom seeds (elaichi) to reaffirm the brand's belief that real goodness always shines through our words and deeds.
The ad film is a testimony to the brand's tagline, 'Achai ki ek alag chamak hoti hai'. "Laden with the goodness of elaichi, the product is seen by many as the true mark of individuals who stand out not just for their achievements, but because of their inherent goodness. Priyanka was chosen as the brand ambassador since she personifies global achievement and human values," said Rajeev Jain, (Sr General Manager (Marketing), DS Group).
Priyanka said, "I truly do believe that 'Achai ki ek alag chamak hoti hai'! There is an innate goodness in all of us, and I think in today's time, it is hugely important to spread as much love and positivity as possible. I'm delighted to have been chosen as the brand ambassador of Rajnigandha Silver Pearls. It's not only a delicious and refreshing product, but also a brand that promotes such positive messages, which is something the world really needs."
As Per :- timesofindia